There is a way to describe simple harmonic motion as a linear motion which can be obtained by projecting circular motion on to diameter of the circle ( that is actually a part of the lesson of combined mathematics). What ...
META-HUB Latest Questions
One of the main applications of method of contradiction in our syllabus is proving irrationality of square root 2. But it also done without mentioning the most important infinite decent method which was used by Sir Andrew ...

Least number of Marbles ?
Sorry it's a private question.
What is the history of times table, why it is important in mathematics and what are the patterns you can find in times table ?
What is a paradox in mathematics, why they are important in mathematics?
What are conjectures in mathematics , can those be conjectures for ever ?
What is an Axiom, how it is important to mathematics and why can not use particular set of axioms to prove everything in mathematics?
In advanced level pure mathematics mainly we consider three counting principles in combinatorics and many of our questions are related to multiplication principle and addition principle. What are the examples you can suggest to apply inclusion exclusion principle ?
How can you compare the following ways of defining a tangent line to a curve at a point P(α,β) with examples? 1)A straight line meet the curve at the point P with the curve appearing in only one side of the ...