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Recently Held Events

Be Better in Mathematics.

“Be Better in Mathematics”, the program organized by Dharmashoka Collage- Ambalangoda was held on the 13th of June with the participation of about 15 schools.

Live Math Lounge

On International Pi Day, March 14th, MetaHub held a “Live Math Lounge” with 90 O/L teachers from across the country, 10 from each province, at the Ministry of Education. This first-of-its-kind event immersed teachers in mathematical tasks and conversations, helping them resolve content and pedagogy issues. A big thank you to the Ministry’s Mathematics Branch and Director of Education, Ms. Niroshi, for supporting our ideas. This event extended our “Math Lounge” video series.

6th Provincial Combined Mathematics Teacher Training Full-day Program

Taking Mathematics Education to Mathematics Teachers.
The 6th Provincial Combined Mathematics Teacher Training Full-day Program at the Sabaragamuwa Province.
This workshop series is organized by the MetaHub in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and SLAAS.
MetaHub is a collaboration between the Ministry of Education and the University of Sri Jayewardenepura
(Science for Technology Department)