Upcoming Events

Invitation To Mathematics Teachers To Submit Abstracts On Their Postgraduate Research In Mathematics Education To ICMME 2025

9th ICMI-East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education
For more details, please refer to the EARCOME 9 website:
For further information or queries, please contact earcome9.seoul@gmail.com
Recently Held Events
Workshop for Mathematics Teachers at Bishop's College
The first workshop for Mathematics Teachers this year at Bishop’s College. Conducted by MetaHub in collaboration with Section E1 of Slaas Sri Lanka. Very engaging group of teachers. We touched on common misconceptions in Algebra and gaps in knowledge around solving equations.

Empowering Primary Math Teachers | Lyceum International School Gampaha Workshop | Sept 2024
On September 2, 2024, an insightful workshop was held for the Primary Mathematics Teachers of Lyceum International School, Gampaha. Teaching mathematics at the primary level presents unique challenges, and this workshop focused on equipping teachers with the knowledge and strategies to effectively teach young learners. Understanding how children grasp mathematical concepts at an early age is key to ensuring their academic success.
7th Combined Mathematics Teacher Training Program
MetaHub in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and SLAAS, held the 7th Combined Mathematics Teacher Training Program in the Central Province on the 9th of August 2024.

Live Math Lounge
On International Pi Day, March 14th, MetaHub held a “Live Math Lounge” with 90 O/L teachers from across the country, 10 from each province, at the Ministry of Education. This first-of-its-kind event immersed teachers in mathematical tasks and conversations, helping them resolve content and pedagogy issues. A big thank you to the Ministry’s Mathematics Branch and Director of Education, Ms. Niroshi, for supporting our ideas. This event extended our “Math Lounge” video series.

6th Provincial Combined Mathematics Teacher Training Full-day Program

International Webinar on Mathematics Education for Sri Lankan mathematics teachers!
MetaHub hosted its first international professional development webinar for Sri Lankan mathematics teachers, with 388 participants nationwide. We were honored to have Prof. James Tanton as our inaugural international speaker.

Mathematics Teacher Training Program for Gateway College Primary Teachers
The first of a series of workshops, was held at Gateway College for Primary Teachers on the 28th of August 2023 at the Dihwala Branch. Teachers from all branches took part in this workshop.

5th Provincial Combined Mathematics Teacher Training Program
On the 14th of August, the Fifth Provincial Combined Mathematics Teacher Training Program took place in the North Western Province at the Auditorium of the Education Development Centre, Wariyapola.

ගණිතය ඉගෙන ගත යුත්තේ කෙසේද හා ගණිතයේ රසය පිලිබඳ වැඩමුළුවක් කොළඹ D. S. සේනානායක විද්යාලයේ සිසුන්ට.
කොළඹ ඩී එස් සේනානායක විද්යාලයේ ආරාධනයෙන් එහි දහතුන වසර ගණිත අංශයේ සිසුන්ට වැඩමුළුවක් ජුලි 25 වන දින පවත්වනු ලැබුවා.

4th Provincial Combined Mathematics Teacher Training Program
On May 31st, the Fourth Provincial Combined Mathematics Teacher Training Program took place in the Western Province at the Auditorium of the Ministry of Education.

ගණිතය ඉගෙන ගත යුත්තේ කෙසේද හා ගණිතයේ රසය පිලිබඳ වැඩමුළුවක් කොළඹ විසාකා විද්යාලයේ උසස් පෙළ ගණිත සිසුවියන්ට.
මැයි මස 25 වනදා කොළඹ විසාකා විද්යාලයේ උසස් පෙළ ගණිත අංශයේ සිසුවියන්ට, ගණිතය පිලිබඳ වැඩමුළුව, එහි විදුහල්පතිනී මනෝමි සෙනෙවිරත්න මහත්මියගේ ආරාධනාවෙන් පැවැත්වුනා.

Pre-conference webinar on "Art of teaching Mathematics" for the ICMME 2023
MetaHub Co-Founder Dr. Shelton Perera coducted a Pre-conference webinar on "Art of teaching Mathematics" for the ICMME 2023 organized by the University of Peradeniya on the 11th of May.

The 3rd Provincial Combined Mathematics Teacher Training Program
The third Provincial Combined Mathematics Teacher Training Program was held in the Western Province on the 18th of April at the Auditorium of the Maharagama Central Collage from 8.30 am to 4.00 pm.

Webinar for teachers and students, to commemorate International Pi Day
A webinar for teachers and students, to commemorate International Pi Day was held successfully on the 14th of March with around 150 participants. The webinar was jointly organized by MetaHub and CPS, SLAAS.

MetaHub is a collaboration between the Ministry of Education and the University of Sri Jayewardenepura
(Science for Technology Department)